Author Guidelines
General Submission Guidelines
All submissions for the Colloquium must strictly follow the American Psychological Association (APA) style Sixth (6th) Edition for in-text citations and referencing. Typically, a research paper submission shall be expected to be within 4500-6000 words (including references, tables, figures and appendices). Footnotes should preferably be avoided unless absolutely necessary. Endnotes are not allowed. Please note that the manuscripts must be sent in MS WORD format (.doc extension) only. No other file format such as PDF shall be acceptable. Book reviews shall be expected to be within 1200-1500 words.
Further Guidelines
- Any submission (research paper/book review) should maintain the following format consistency in all the inside pages [A4 Page Size; Portrait Orientation; Times New Roman Font; 12-Point Font Size, 1.5 Spacing, Normal Margins (1” Inch); Justified Alignment].
- All the inside pages should keep the “Title” as the Running Header.
- Page numbers should be inserted on the Center Bottom (Footer) of each page.
- For referencing, the second and the subsequent lines should maintain an indent of 0.5 inches from the first line. A sample is hereby provided for reference. Brown, A. (2014). Pronunciation and Phonetics: A Practical Guide for English Language Teachers. New York: Routledge.
- All tables and figures should be placed within the main text. Appendices (if any) are to be given only after the references.
- Image files (if any and preferably original) should also be submitted as separate attachments in the submission mail in JPEG format preferably with high resolution quality for good print output in the hardcopy.
Submission Format
Submissions for the Colloquium (Research Paper/Book Review) must be mailed in two separate attachments to The first attachment should include the submission title, abstract (only for Research Papers), keywords, author name/s, designation, institution, manuscript/submission type (Refer to FAQ 5) and short biography of author/s. The second attachment should contain only the full submission (Research Paper/Book Review) with title, abstract (only for Research Papers), keywords and main text. No information revealing the identity of the author or her/his institution/affiliation should be given in the second attachment in order to facilitate double-blind peer-review transparency.
First Attachment (To be Titled: “Research Paper/Book Review Submission (For Internal Records)”:
- Submission Title
- Abstract (Maximum 150 Words)
- Keywords (Minimum 5 Words)
- Author Name/s, Designation and Affiliation
- Manuscript/Submission Type
- Short Biography of Author/s (Maximum 150 Words)
Second Attachment (To be Titled: “Research Paper/Book Review Submission (For Review)”:
- Full Submission with Title, Abstract (Maximum 150 Words), Keywords and Main Text