Aim & Scope
The core aim of the journal is to inquire into topical areas of scholarly interest within the ambit of interrelated humanities and social science disciplines. The uniqueness of the journal lies in its willingness to encourage the exploration of the peculiarities of perspectives and challenges presented by various mother disciplines towards seeking a critical inquiry into the factual, theoretical and conceptual similarities and differences offered by them staying in sync with the distinct individualities of the mother disciplines. While each issue usually seeks scholarly contributions on a particular theme, the scope of submission by interested scholars shall not be limited strictly to the core theme and sub-themes only for any particular issue.
Peer-Review Policy
To streamline the journal’s editorial process and save the precious time and energy of our peer reviewers, all submitted manuscripts will be subject to preliminary review and plagiarism checking by the Editors. If and only a submission is found to be in sync with the journal’s vision and scope and plagiarism-free, it shall be sent for anonymous double-blind peer review. The decision at the Preliminary Review Stage (Sent for Peer Review/Rejected) shall be communicated to the author/s normally within seven (7) working days. If any submission gets rejected or any modification/s is/are suggested at the Peer Review Stage, the same shall be communicated to the author/s immediately. In the event of any disagreeing reviews obtained from the peer reviewers regarding any particular manuscript, the final decision (acceptance/rejection/suggestion for modification) on the manuscript shall be taken by the Editor/s in active consultation with the Editorial Board and the same shall be communicated to the author/s immediately. Author/s may expect communication on the outcome of the anonymous double-blind peer review normally within two (2) months from the date of communication of acceptance of her/his/their manuscript for anonymous double-blind peer review. Authors are expected not to mail any query regarding their submission before the standard peer review time period is over.
Publication Policy
The Colloquium is presently published annually in the print medium. However, the soft copies of the manuscripts published in following a double-blind peer-reviewed process are also uploaded online to facilitate greater research visibility to the concerned author/s in today’s digital age. The Colloquium does not charge any submission/publication/handling fee for any accepted manuscript. However, since publishing a print journal involves a printing cost, the author/s may be asked to bear a nominal charge likely to be incurred over-and- above the normal printing charges for reproduction of colored figures (images, graphs etc.) in the journal hard copy if present in any manuscript getting accepted following the double-blind peer-review process in consonance with such a pragmatic approach being taken by many well-reputed research journals currently being published by various global publishers such as Oxford, SAGE, Wiley and Taylor and Francis. In such cases, the author/s shall be intimated (if required) of the charge incurred through email after the submission is accepted for publication. Even in such cases, author/s from developing countries may request for a waiver of the over-and- above normal printing charges too.
Publication Ethics & Anti-Plagiarism Policy
The Colloquium maintains a Zero Tolerance Policy on Plagiarism in letter and spirit vide the guidelines of the University Grants Commission (Promotion of Academic Integrity and Prevention of Plagiarism in Higher Education Institutions) Regulations, 2017, and in due consonance with the provisions for similarity checks for exclusion from plagiarism and levels of plagiarism vide the guidelines of the University Grants Commission (Promotion of Academic Integrity and Prevention of Plagiarism in Higher Educational Institutions) Regulations, 2018, and the Public Notice on Self-Plagiarism issued by the University Grants Commission, India [N.F.l-1/2020(SECY)].
Accordingly, interested contributors are expected to strictly adhere to the guidelines on “Checks for Plagiarism, Falsification, Fabrication, and Misrepresentation” vide Section 3.2.2 of the Guidance Document on “Good Academic Research Practices” published by the University Grants Commission (September 2020) and duly acknowledge all sources from where any reference (idea/text/image etc.) has been taken by the author/s.
The responsibility of obtaining permission/s from the concerned person or institution, if and wherever applicable for using/reproducing any copyrighted content (text/image), also rests solely with the author/s. To that effect, the contributor/s shall have to submit the following documents upon the acceptance of any submission for publication of the final camera-ready copy in the journal:
- Plagiarism-Free Declaration Form declaring that the research paper/book review has been written by her/him and that the manuscript is her/his original work free of any plagiarism and not submitted anywhere else, either in whole or any portion of the same thereof, earlier or in the interim period.
- Copyright Indemnification Agreement Form indemnifying and absolving the Editor/s, the Editorial Advisory Board Members, the Editorial Board Members, the Publisher/Institution of any responsibility in the event of any detection and reporting of copyright infringement any time after the publication of a submitted and subsequently accepted manuscript in the journal.
Author/s are also expected to disclose funding sources (if any) and submit a declaration statement of competing interest/s (if involved) for and in manuscripts submitted by them during the time of manuscript submission. Concealment of funding sources (if any) and competing interest/s (if involved) shall be considered as breach of research and publication ethics as per the provisions of the COPE guidelines on good publication practice.